Why did this happen to me???
Why am I feeling low,
Just because you said no?
Liked you,Loved you
How much
Won't ever let you know.
There was a dream, I loved to see,
With you always, desired to be.
A single hug I wanted from you,
Would cost me much, I never knew.
Gone are the days
When I cherished your very presence.
Why am I wrong
If I still feel your essence.
I dont know why, but it is true,
Tried very hard but dint get any clue.
Searching you day in and day out,
Hoping to find you, reasons without.
Someone is more fortunate
I dont know why is he.
But god please lemme know
Why did this happen to me???
good i have to say!
u talk of a lot of emotions felt in such a situation and u have amazingly managed to put them into rhyme.
Hey u seem to be a serial blogger!!1 I admire your suggestion and thank you for your compliments...do keep reading my blogs...with all love
Hey i never knew I know somebody so talented ... AWESOME yaar amazing ..
U have the talent to put
emotions into expressions n expression into words ...!!
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