Wednesday, November 02, 2005

a taste of vacation at kgp

(date on which the blog was written: july 9th 2005)

So its the 2nd summer vacation in a row which I am spending In KGP.Many a times I come across this question from my seniors and fellow batchmates "How can you spend your holidays in a place like Kgp?".You would not find this a tough one if you are a lover of "SOLITUDE".Deserted wings(read floors of our hostel ),voice of Deep Purple coming to your ears from a distant room(which is not a routine scene when the semesters are on)and complete loneliness give you your time.Time to introspect,look within and know yourself .This very opportunity to introspect gives me the impetus to spend two and a half months long vacation here in the campus of IIT KGP.Waking up late in the morning or rather noon,no tension of attending 7.30 classes,no lab reports,no skipping of breakers(IIT lingo for breakfast) ,no mad race for CG ,nothing.Its just you and only YOU. You surf the net all the night exploiting the 100 Mbps to the maximum,save the materials for the next day as the institute no longer provides net facilities till 6 pm in the evening,thanks to the MMS scandal which added to the glory of IIT Kgp.Moreover you don't have to depend upon the mess food for your health causes for a good long period of two and a half months.I was delighted to see a gain of 5 solid pounds when I checked my weight last week.I must not forget mentioning about managing the living expenses(specially on the costly food available in the campus when your resources are limited)which definately adds to your skills!!!!!The most fascinating thing of this stay for me is the complete freedom to study what I really want to.Starting from a variety of newspapers to in numerous e-books ,just type in the keywords and a complete ocean of knowledge lies in front of you.And when you are free from all botherations you just want to take a dip in that ocean and wish that you never come out.Now coming to introspection,I feel that solitude is the best mode to know yourself.I would like to mention one revelation I came across this time.I noticed that I was saving substantial amount of energy by keeping my voicebox closed(as there is hardly anyone to talk to).This may sound funny but I was able to invest that saved energy in doing something fruitful,reading a Pramod Batra(he happens to be a management guru,cant comment on his popularity) book for instance. Loneliness gives me enough time to ponder on my deeds and find ways to improve my traits.One must take out sometime in his/her life and spend that all alone to get an idea as to where does he/she stand!I know you cant spend your entire life all alone but knowing yourself by spending a few months alone is a deal worth making.

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