Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Blog ur thoughts

Time:4:30 am.17 internet explorer files(special, ),yahoo messenger,windows media player :This was what I was seeing on my computer screen when suddenly an IM window popped up.It was from my friend Shourish.The message contained a link was just about to ignore the link and close the window when the pointer of my mouse slipped(still unable to make out why is this attitude of my mouse pointer) and I mistakingly clicked the link.Adding to my irritaion was this 18th IE file(irritating because having a P III processor and opening 18 IE files is just suicidal for the 128 MB RAM) which was appearing as if someone has reluctantly filled the entire page with alphabets.I just scrolled down the page when I noticed a link.It said something about IIT KGP,my institute.I clicked on the link to satisfy my curiosity to find a page containing praises from some interns who had spent their summers in our institute. went through the entire write-up and found it pretty interesting.I could not contain myself from reading all the articles whose links were mentioned on the page and really enjoyed reading about one's feelings.I didnt know anything about the person who had written all those lengthy articles but her(the writer happened to be a gal) words were saying it all.The writings were potraying the character of the writer.I then realized that how easy it is to express oneself and make his/her thinkings known to entire world without spending a penny(for IIT KGPians atleast).I took less than a min to click on the homepage link and another 1 min to complete the registraion formalities.This was how I entered the world of blogging and now I dont mind wasting (i must not say "wasting" though)hours on the net blogging. So happy blogging to u all readers.

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