Friday, November 18, 2005


I didn't have the idea that writing can make me so load-free. Frankly speaking it has now become the best way to relieve myself from all the burdens and tensions that I gather from infinite sources around me.Thanks to this very concept of blogging.
Just now I was going through some blogs of my college-mates .Came across the posts of one of my friends.The post was quite appreciating and was potraying an altogether different picture of the author.I was amazed to learn that this fellow of mine , about whom I had a very different impression(more towards bad) , has compelled me to give a second thought to the way I perceive people.Thanks to blogging again.
No wonder why I was feeling frustrated.I am going through this phase since a year now.I was searching for someone with whom I could share my so called "grief's".Looked all around but could not find anyone worth.Thanks to this scarcity of humans which made me to strike the keyboard.
(***was able to pen down a couple of poems only due to this marvellous platform.)
These days I am feeling that blogging has become more like an addiction than a habit

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

A message from Nature!!!

Looking out of the window,
When I see the rain.
I forget all sorrow
I forget all pain.

Each drop that falls,
has something to convey.
Have always been eager,
To know what they say.

Wont lose the chance,
Wont let a message unheard.
Engrossed in the thoughts,
I see this bird.

I see a cuckoo,
Protecting her nest.
A battle against nature,
Fought at its best.

Clouds roar
Chicks are crying.
They aren't hurt,
The mother is trying.

Nature surrenders,
The bird is victorious.
Never have I seen,
A war so glorious.

Exhausted body, shattered nest,
A glimpse of those tired eyes.
Are they trying to say to me,

"Come on!!! you,

Friday, November 04, 2005

VIPs for a day

A LANCER coming to receive you at the station, you are put up in a first class guest house with a top quality lunch served to you, official meetings with the topmost authorities of the institution, asking you to light the ceremonial lamp to start the event and getting a decent memento to end the show.What else do you require to be treated as VIPs. Yes this was the treatment our ROBOTIX team received when we landed in Bhubaneshwar for conducting a workshop(w/s) on Robotics in KIIT. To tell you frankly, I was anticipating this kinda hospitality when one of my fellow heads Sabya told me about the nature of conversation he was having with one of the organizing team members there at KIIT.
The day was really great for us specially when our dear "GOLU" agreed to accompany us for the w/s. Sumandeep Banerjee aka Golu is literally STUD(in our lingo) in the field of mobile robotics.
He has enormous funda in this field and when he was there with us we knew that we didn't require to bother about the w/s any more.
Our journey began at 4 in the morning when we reached the railway station. Our group comprised of 6 members, 5 from our ROBOTIX team and one from the Kshitij team.As almost all of us had a "night-out" so everyone opted for a nap after boarding the train.After a comfortable journey we reached Bbsr at 11.20 am. A guy from KIIT had come to receive us on the station.Then was the time to confront with the first surprise of the day. A Lancer car was waiting to pick us up to our destination.A little while later we all were in the KIIT guest house which ,I must admit, provided us with a decent accommodation. After having a conversation with the organizing team of the KIIT (all 3rd years comp sc students) we got ourselves ready for the lunch.
Our next move was to go to the college campus were we were supposed to conduct the w/s.On our way to the venue we were informed that the Registrar of KIIT wanted to meet us. This was again unexpected to us as we were not on any official visit from our institute. After having a walk around the college campus we were in the registrar's office. We had a discussion on the various activities our team does to promote robotics in and out of Kgp campus. We also met with the assistant registrar and the HOD of Comp Sc dept. who wanted us to help the KIIT guys in establishing a Robotics society of their own.This was not all we had to meet the DEAN of undergraduate studies as well who appreciated our endeavor to promote robotics in India.After all these meetings and discussions it was the time to move to the venue of the w/s. We reached the place on time and to add to our surprise we were being expected by a crowd of around 600 students. This was really a great thing for us but was adding to our nervousness at the same time. We dint have any idea that we would be getting that kind of response at Bbsr.
We took some 15-20 minutes to get ourselves ready for the presentations but before we could start the girl from KIIT who was to introduce us to the audience asked us to light the lamp kept on the stage. We were totally astonished to find ourselves in that situation. At that awkward situation the best we could do was to invite the HOD sitting there to do the ceremonial lamp lighting thing for us and actually we did the same.
So this was how the w/s started.I was the first speaker and to my surprise I spoke quite well on the dais. These workshops have proved a very good platform for me to develop my public speaking skills.At the beginning I must not hide that I was nervous but with the rolling of the slides of the ppt prepared by me I gained confidence and delivered perfectly. After me Golu took the charge and as always left the audience spell bound.Golu handed over the mic to Suma(the kshitij core team member) for her presentation.At last Sabya concluded the session with a vote of thanks.But again this was not all there was something else waiting for us. The girl who introduced us called upon the HOD to present a memento to us. Accustomed by surprises by then ,Golu received the same on our behalf.
We then had a interaction session with KIIT people for an hour after which we moved to Sabya's house.From there we moved to CCD for a hang-out and took our dinner at Pizza hut. It was already 10 pm by then and it was time to say adios to Bbsr. So we moved to the station.The train was an hour late so I utilized the time interacting with Suma , the experience with whom deserves another post. We reached Kgp next morning at 4.
So this was how all six of us spent the day full of surprises. I hope we get similar kinda chance in future also.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

a taste of vacation at kgp

(date on which the blog was written: july 9th 2005)

So its the 2nd summer vacation in a row which I am spending In KGP.Many a times I come across this question from my seniors and fellow batchmates "How can you spend your holidays in a place like Kgp?".You would not find this a tough one if you are a lover of "SOLITUDE".Deserted wings(read floors of our hostel ),voice of Deep Purple coming to your ears from a distant room(which is not a routine scene when the semesters are on)and complete loneliness give you your time.Time to introspect,look within and know yourself .This very opportunity to introspect gives me the impetus to spend two and a half months long vacation here in the campus of IIT KGP.Waking up late in the morning or rather noon,no tension of attending 7.30 classes,no lab reports,no skipping of breakers(IIT lingo for breakfast) ,no mad race for CG ,nothing.Its just you and only YOU. You surf the net all the night exploiting the 100 Mbps to the maximum,save the materials for the next day as the institute no longer provides net facilities till 6 pm in the evening,thanks to the MMS scandal which added to the glory of IIT Kgp.Moreover you don't have to depend upon the mess food for your health causes for a good long period of two and a half months.I was delighted to see a gain of 5 solid pounds when I checked my weight last week.I must not forget mentioning about managing the living expenses(specially on the costly food available in the campus when your resources are limited)which definately adds to your skills!!!!!The most fascinating thing of this stay for me is the complete freedom to study what I really want to.Starting from a variety of newspapers to in numerous e-books ,just type in the keywords and a complete ocean of knowledge lies in front of you.And when you are free from all botherations you just want to take a dip in that ocean and wish that you never come out.Now coming to introspection,I feel that solitude is the best mode to know yourself.I would like to mention one revelation I came across this time.I noticed that I was saving substantial amount of energy by keeping my voicebox closed(as there is hardly anyone to talk to).This may sound funny but I was able to invest that saved energy in doing something fruitful,reading a Pramod Batra(he happens to be a management guru,cant comment on his popularity) book for instance. Loneliness gives me enough time to ponder on my deeds and find ways to improve my traits.One must take out sometime in his/her life and spend that all alone to get an idea as to where does he/she stand!I know you cant spend your entire life all alone but knowing yourself by spending a few months alone is a deal worth making.

Blog ur thoughts

Time:4:30 am.17 internet explorer files(special, ),yahoo messenger,windows media player :This was what I was seeing on my computer screen when suddenly an IM window popped up.It was from my friend Shourish.The message contained a link was just about to ignore the link and close the window when the pointer of my mouse slipped(still unable to make out why is this attitude of my mouse pointer) and I mistakingly clicked the link.Adding to my irritaion was this 18th IE file(irritating because having a P III processor and opening 18 IE files is just suicidal for the 128 MB RAM) which was appearing as if someone has reluctantly filled the entire page with alphabets.I just scrolled down the page when I noticed a link.It said something about IIT KGP,my institute.I clicked on the link to satisfy my curiosity to find a page containing praises from some interns who had spent their summers in our institute. went through the entire write-up and found it pretty interesting.I could not contain myself from reading all the articles whose links were mentioned on the page and really enjoyed reading about one's feelings.I didnt know anything about the person who had written all those lengthy articles but her(the writer happened to be a gal) words were saying it all.The writings were potraying the character of the writer.I then realized that how easy it is to express oneself and make his/her thinkings known to entire world without spending a penny(for IIT KGPians atleast).I took less than a min to click on the homepage link and another 1 min to complete the registraion formalities.This was how I entered the world of blogging and now I dont mind wasting (i must not say "wasting" though)hours on the net blogging. So happy blogging to u all readers.

Why did this happen to me???

Why did this happen to me???

Why am I feeling low,
Just because you said no?
Liked you,Loved you
How much
Won't ever let you know.

There was a dream, I loved to see,
With you always, desired to be.
A single hug I wanted from you,
Would cost me much, I never knew.

Gone are the days
When I cherished your very presence.
Why am I wrong
If I still feel your essence.

I dont know why, but it is true,
Tried very hard but dint get any clue.
Searching you day in and day out,
Hoping to find you, reasons without.

Someone is more fortunate
I dont know why is he.
But god please lemme know
Why did this happen to me???