Monday, September 26, 2011

Going Green...

1. Put the television on "Mute" during commercial breaks.
2. Use of Chalk and Blackboard instead of White Board and Marker.
3. Use Sal leave or Banana leaf instead of plastic made plates in picnics.
4. Jute bags for shopping.
5. Use your own mug for drinking tea/coffee instead of plastic cups in office cafeteria.
6. Turn off your vehicle engine on red signals.
7. Start sharing Auto Rickshaw.
8. Stay close to your office so that you could walk down.
9. Talk less on phone.
10. Don't be online on chat portals 24x7.
11. Use "Hibernate" mode instead of "Stand By".
12. Use CFL lamps instead of Bulb.
13. Use smaller plastic waste bags instead of bigger ones.
14. Use waste paper (near your photo copier/ printer) for rough work at office.
15. Always take double side print outs/ photo copies.
16. Avoid blowing horns unnecessarily while driving.
17. Use stair case instead of elevators.
18. Use handkerchief in place of paper tissues after meals.
19. Avoid putting people in CC in mails. Talk and sort out instead.

To be continued.... 

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