Monday, September 26, 2011

Going Green...

1. Put the television on "Mute" during commercial breaks.
2. Use of Chalk and Blackboard instead of White Board and Marker.
3. Use Sal leave or Banana leaf instead of plastic made plates in picnics.
4. Jute bags for shopping.
5. Use your own mug for drinking tea/coffee instead of plastic cups in office cafeteria.
6. Turn off your vehicle engine on red signals.
7. Start sharing Auto Rickshaw.
8. Stay close to your office so that you could walk down.
9. Talk less on phone.
10. Don't be online on chat portals 24x7.
11. Use "Hibernate" mode instead of "Stand By".
12. Use CFL lamps instead of Bulb.
13. Use smaller plastic waste bags instead of bigger ones.
14. Use waste paper (near your photo copier/ printer) for rough work at office.
15. Always take double side print outs/ photo copies.
16. Avoid blowing horns unnecessarily while driving.
17. Use stair case instead of elevators.
18. Use handkerchief in place of paper tissues after meals.
19. Avoid putting people in CC in mails. Talk and sort out instead.

To be continued.... 

Sunday, September 04, 2011

What is Indian Constitution btw?

a book?
a set of guidelines?
written and collated by a group of 5-6 people?
debated and deliberated over by some 200 people for around 2 years?
what makes the followings books lose their worth for being a constitution for a demography which can go to any extent to protect the dignity and sanctity of these holy books. why is the Geetha, the Vedas, the Koran, the Guru Grantha Sahib, the Bible not our constitution?
Before aug 15, 1947, these were the books which guided our deeds then why this chaos now? one probable reason could be, we can not amend these books according to our will as we do with the constitution (we have already modified the constitution 95 times within a span of 61 years!!!)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

If Corruption is the Output the Inputs are...

One thing which I am really proud of myself of doing something substantial and fruitful was the set of 4 journal papers I authored along with my professor at IIT. One of those papers dealt with the development of a Fuzzy Logic Controller to be used in biped robotics. The controller was designed to predict the output when you feed a set of input parameters on the basis of historical data. So the controller would give you something like a mathematical function:

y = f (x1, x2,...,xn)

I was ruminating on the current issue of corruption which has off late grappled the nation when this idea of designing a new controller struck my mind. In this case if we consider Corruption as the output the inputs would be:
x1 = greed,
x2 = poverty (or rather higher rich-poor divide),
x3 = lassitude,
x4 = ?
xn = ?

So, if we want to control the output " Corruption", we need to study the interaction and effect of all the aforesaid inputs (most of them are still to be discovered though) and then try to tame them...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

When Dad smiled...

It was a great feeling seeing that smile on Dad's face when he entered the check-in area at the airport for taking his maiden flight. That smile was the greatest reward for all I have done till now...
Short of words to describe the feeling!!!
Thanks to God....