Monday, December 17, 2012

The enemies within

Yet another incident of rape in Delhi. This time a 23 year old medical student was gang-raped despite having a male friend accompanying her while going back home.
 I remember when any  female relative used to pay a visit to our home, my mother used to ask me or my father to drop her back to her house. Moreover, going out alone for women, especially during evenings was banned. I am sure, after this incident, most of the parents would withdraw the liberty of this small leeway of venturing out with a male relative given to women.
Charles Darwin propounded the theory of evolution. Is this the evolution of mankind he was talking about? Secondly, if his theory of "Survival of the fittest" holds true then certainly the women race is going to be extinct soon because as far as muscular fitness (read strength) is concerned men would be having an edge over women ( mostly owing to their genetic built-up) and if this outrageous exploitation of women by men continues unabated (Assumption: Men and Women are competing for survival and sexual assault of women by men is needed for men to survive). And an extinction of women race means the same for men as well. Hence, there would not be any evolution of human race further.
I was wondering why crimes like rape are breaking all the past records in terms of severity and occurrence. Did Darwin consider psychological parameters while developing his theory?

If we refer to religious texts of Hinduism, it has been said that the enemies of human beings are not outside but within themselves.One has to fight with these enemies continuously in one's life time to survive. There are six such enemies : Kama (Lust), Krodha (Anger), Madh (Addiction), Moha (Attachment), Lobha (Greed), and Dambha (Ego). If we desire to lead a peaceful life we need to control these enemies and confine them to a minimum desirable limit (as minimum level of each one of them is also required to lead an earthly life e.g. if there is no lust there would be no procreation etc).
But the moment any one of them goes out of control we lose peace in our lives. Today when I look around  I could connect all the crimes prevailing on this earth with at least one of these six enemies . Lets analyze some of the burning issues prevalent on this planet.

 Needless to say, if all of us identify these enemies within ourselves and put constant and conscious efforts to tame all of them then I am sure without an iota of doubt that this earth could be free of crimes and hence grief.
Blaming government for inaction and the very tendency of ours not to find faults with ourselves and put it on others every time we are in an adverse situation is  the root cause of the problem. 

We never vote and then also say "OUR" government is incompetent.
Pay bribe to police when caught jumping signals and then say politicians are corrupt.
Adulterate Milk with water and expect top quality food grains at a Fair Price Shop.
Do not pay taxes on time and then curse the government for poor roads.
Have an illegal electricity connection at our homes and then clamor when the government pulls back subsidy on LPG
Run away from the site of crime when a girl is being molested and then take out candle light processions...

Has HYPOCRISY got definitions other than the above ones?

The following couplet of Sant  Kabir is quite apt in this context

"Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala
                     Bura Naa Milya Koye
 Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, 
                    To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye"